Church Services of Christ


Audio sermons

  • Be like children
  • In patience piety
This sermon will explore the topic of godliness and how it relates to patience. What is Christian patience? What does Jesus Christ say about this? Why is the apostle Peter called the “apostle of hope”? Why is the Lord longsuffering to us? You can find answers to these and other important questions from this sermon.
  • Faith and Faithfulness
This sermon will address the topics of faith and faithfulness. What does the concept of salvation history include? How does God participate in it? What in this story depends on us? Is everything in our life really predetermined? As you listen to this sermon, you will find answers to these and other important questions.
  • Ascension of Christ
  • We believe in the righteousness of Christ
This sermon will focus on the righteousness of Jesus Christ and faith in His righteousness. What does it mean to believe in God? What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to believe in Christ? What should we believe as Christians? You can get answers to these and other important questions by listening to this sermon.
  • About the mercy of God
  • The fruit of the Holy Spirit